Unearthing Strength: The Booker T. Washington Philosophy of Empowerment

The Enduring Wisdom of Booker T. Washington on Strength and Leadership

Friday, November 24, 2023

There are two ways of exerting one’s strength: One is pushing down, the other is pulling up.

Booker T. Washington

Unearthing Strength: The Booker T. Washington Philosophy of Empowerment

The concepts of strength and power are often mired in confusion and controversy, the teachings of Booker T. Washington shine through with remarkable insight and relevance. As a distinguished African American educator, author, and orator, Washington’s experiences and observations in a post-Civil War America provided him with a unique perspective on what it means to wield strength and power effectively and ethically. His profound quote, "There are two ways of exerting one's strength: One is pushing down, the other is pulling up," encapsulates a fundamental truth about the nature of influence and leadership, presenting a dichotomy that is as timeless as it is poignant.

This article aims to explore the depths of Washington's philosophy, which is not just a reflection of his times but a perennial wisdom relevant to today’s diverse contexts – from corporate boardrooms and political arenas to community centers and family homes. It speaks directly to those who aspire to grow personally and professionally, and to those who seek to empower others along their journey. In examining the nuances of this dichotomy, we uncover layers of understanding about strength that is not only assertive but also compassionate, not just powerful but empowering.

In a world where the display of power often takes the form of aggression or domination, Washington’s words offer an alternative vision. His concept of 'pulling up' challenges the traditional paradigms of leadership and personal development, urging us to reconsider how we engage with the world and the people around us. It’s a call to recognize that true strength lies not in overpowering others but in empowering them, not in the solitary ascension to success but in the collective rise toward progress and fulfillment.

As we delve into the nuances of this philosophy, we explore its practical applications in various aspects of life. From personal relationships to professional environments, from individual aspirations to communal endeavors, Washington’s wisdom provides a blueprint for exerting strength in a way that is constructive, uplifting, and ultimately transformative. This exploration is not just an academic exercise; it's a journey toward understanding a more profound and humane way of interacting with our world and shaping our legacies. Through this lens, we see that the path to true strength and meaningful power is paved with empathy, support, and the shared triumphs of those we help along the way.

Understanding the Dichotomy


Washington’s words draw a clear line between two methods of exerting influence:


Pushing Down: The Zero-Sum Game

When one chooses to 'push down,' they opt for a path of dominance and suppression. It's a stance that views power as a zero-sum game, where one's gain is inherently another's loss. This approach fosters a culture of fear, resentment, and hierarchy. It's a short-sighted strategy often mistaken for strength but is, in essence, a manifestation of deep-seated insecurities and a lack of true leadership qualities.

Pulling Up: The Path of Collective Elevation

In stark contrast, 'pulling up' symbolizes a form of strength that is grounded in support, upliftment, and empowerment. This approach does not see power as a finite resource but as a tool for collective betterment. It's about mentoring, sharing knowledge, and creating opportunities for others to rise. This method breeds an environment of mutual respect, collaboration, and growth.

The Relevance in Today's Context


In a world increasingly divided and competitive, Washington's philosophy is not just relevant but necessary. His views transcend the historical and racial contexts of his time and provide a blueprint for modern leadership and personal development.

In Leadership: Fostering a Positive Culture

Leaders in organizations and communities can draw inspiration from Washington's teachings. By focusing on 'pulling up,' leaders can cultivate a culture where team members feel valued, heard, and empowered. This approach not only enhances individual performance but also leads to a more cohesive, innovative, and resilient organization.

In Personal Development: Building True Strength

For individuals committed to self-improvement, this dichotomy offers a compass for personal growth. It encourages one to build strength that is not about overpowering others but about fortifying oneself and those around them. It's a strength that comes from kindness, empathy, and a genuine desire to make a positive difference.

The Impact on Society

When individuals and leaders adopt the 'pulling up' philosophy, the ripple effects are felt across society. It nurtures a community where success is not hoarded but shared, where the growth of one contributes to the upliftment of all. It’s a paradigm shift from a society built on competition and inequality to one rooted in cooperation and equity.

Practical Applications

In the Workplace

In a professional setting, 'pulling up' can take many forms, such as mentorship programs, knowledge-sharing sessions, and creating pathways for career advancement. It's about recognizing and nurturing potential in others, thus creating a more dynamic and forward-thinking workplace.

In Education

Educators and institutions can apply this philosophy by focusing on each student's unique strengths and fostering an environment where students lift each other up. This approach can create a more inclusive and supportive educational experience, leading to better learning outcomes.

 In Personal Relationships

On a personal level, 'pulling up' means supporting friends, family, and even strangers through acts of kindness, understanding, and empathy. It's about building relationships based on mutual growth and respect.

Overcoming Challenges

Adopting this approach is not without its challenges. It requires a shift in mindset, the courage to break from traditional notions of power, and the resilience to stay committed to this path in the face of societal norms that often glorify the opposite.

Dealing with Resistance

Resistance, both internal and external, is a common challenge. It requires continuous self-reflection, education, and the willingness to engage in difficult conversations.

Staying the Course

Staying committed to 'pulling up' requires patience and perseverance. It’s a long-term investment in people and relationships that may not yield immediate results but will ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and impactful life.


Booker T. Washington's timeless philosophy illuminates the essence of true strength, challenging prevailing notions of power and influence. His perspective is more than just a moral compass; it's a strategic framework for building a life and society anchored in mutual upliftment and growth. By emphasizing the importance of elevating others, Washington's words transcend the boundaries of time and context, offering a universally applicable principle for both personal and professional realms.

In a world often characterized by fierce competition and individualism, Washington’s philosophy serves as a crucial counterbalance. It reminds us that the greatest use of one's abilities and influence lies not in outshining others or climbing the social ladder at their expense, but in helping others to ascend alongside us. This approach does not diminish our own achievements; instead, it magnifies them, turning success into a shared experience rather than a solitary conquest.

Moreover, Washington's call to 'pull up' others is particularly resonant in today's world, where genuine leadership is in high demand. In an era marked by rapid change and complex challenges, leaders who can inspire, mentor, and empower others are invaluable. Such leaders not only drive progress and innovation but also foster a sense of community and belonging, which is crucial in an increasingly disconnected world.