Your time is sacred

Spend time with genuine people who give you the same energy. You don’t have to forcefully keep people around you because of shared history.

Presented by Mindvalley

Friday, November 11, 2022

As you grow older, you become aware of the limited time you have in life. Treat the time you spend with more value and honor how you spend each hour.

Spend time with genuine people who give you the same energy. You don’t have to forcefully keep people around you because of shared history. You don’t have to constantly spend time trying to impress people who add no value to you. Be ready to let go of people you can no longer trust or who have showed no regard for your well-being.

Your time is precious, your time is sacred, and every second spent cannot be retrieved or bought back. Whenever your fid yourself spending time in a way that doesn't benefit you or others around you, remember how sacred your time is, and treat your time with more honor.

📧 Brought to you by Mindvalley 💫

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Love & Blessing,Good Energy Email Team



