Make yourself a promise

Promise yourself that you will drench your soul in the sun and the rain, and you will moon gaze on starry nights, as you wrap yourself warm with your thoughts.

Thursday, December 8 2022

Promise yourself that you will continue to be soft in this stormy world. Promise yourself that you will let your heart be wild and messy and colorful. Promise yourself that you will change with every hue of life, even the dark, bruised moments of existence that you don't like as much. Promise yourself that you will drench your soul in the sun and the rain, and you will moon gaze on starry nights, as you wrap yourself warm with your thoughts.

Promise yourself that you will dream of every adventure you could possibly think of, of being unafraid. Promise yourself that you will do whatever it takes to build the life you dream of, that you will take risks, trek mountains of lessons and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Promise yourself that you will welcome new things. Promise yourself that you won't just love your golden parts but also the imperfect ones. Promise yourself that you will take a chance on this life, and on yourself.

Promise yourself that you will.

📧 Brought to you by The Sacred Sound Healing System ðŸ’«

The Sacred Sound Healing System is an audio program containing 4 unique sacred healing ceremonies. It combines the new ‘vibration capture technology’ with ancient sound healing techniques to help you harness the Sounds of Creation. The high-vibe waves of the sounds feel like an in-person healing session, and will clear every negativity within you and raise your vibration to help you manifest your desires. Listen for at least 60 seconds and unlock your gift of Instant Divine Creation.

This program is currently offered at a 50% discount price. Waste no time, get your own personal energy healer now!

Love & Blessing,Good Energy Email Team



