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Find your true calling!
Monday, January 9, 2023
Today's Mantra: “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. –Amelia Earhart."
YOU are NOT average. Your fingerprints are different from anyone else's on this earth. You are a unique combination of DNA that has never been, and will never be seen again in the world. That's pretty crazy to think about when there's been BILLIONS of people on this earth!
We all have unique qualities that make us different from each other. This is because our DNA is one of a kind and contains information that makes us special and individual. We are more than just our physical features; we are the sum of our experiences, thoughts and emotions. Our uniqueness is something to be celebrated and embraced as it allows us to stand out from the crowd in an incredible way.
While you are here, I want you to find out what you love to do most, and do it. If you do that, I will literally SHOWER you with money. If you don't know what that is yet, click here ==> THE COSMOS will never happen again.
Let's make the most of it. - THE COSMOS P.S. That thing about showering you with money? It's true... But it's also true that if you DON'T do what you're meant to be doing here on Earth, you're going to mysteriously find it very tough going.
How have things been lately?==> Find the Secretes to your better life here!
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