Intentional Living!

Living life on your terms

Monday, December 26, 2022

Today's Mantra: “Success isn’t Always about Greatness. It’s about Consistency"

What is Intentional Living? 

In a nutshell: 

↠ Intentional living is a lifestyle  which brings more awareness into your daily life. 

↠ Intentional living is when you learn how to shut off ‘auto-pilot mode’ and make conscious decisions aligned with your core values, your dreams and your definition of happiness. 

↠ Living a more intentional life is a holistic and wholehearted approach to ‘BE-ing” each day. It helps connect you to your body, mind, emotions, personal energy and spirit - allowing you to live a more present, healthier and happier life.   

↠ Intentional living is focusing on what is in your circle of control versus what is outside of it which allows you to let go of the worry and anxiety and tune into the present moment. 

↠ Intentional living focuses on WHO you and to be and HOW you want to show up each day - for your present and future self. It means making conscious choices and taking aligned actions towards the life you desire and having a plan to move towards that life. 

Why is it Important to Live Intentionally? 

As many of you know, mental health and emotional wellness is becoming an epidemic in our world. 

People are struggling.

Whether diagnosed with a mental illness or not, all of us experience mental health in some way or another. 

Adults are struggling. 

Adolescents are struggling. 

Our beautiful children are struggling. 

Studies show that 1 in 3 adolescents will experience an anxiety disorder, 63% of college students feel overwhelming anxiety and childhood mental illness is on the rise. 

People must start investing in their EMOTIONAL WELLNESS to better their overall health and wellness of themselves, their families, their communities and the world. 

Although there are systemic issues in all of the countries in our world that contribute to the mental well being of all of us, we have to focus on what we can first change - which is ourselves. 

Unfortunately we cannot wait around for the world to figure this out for us. We have to take the personal initiative to figure out how we can live a more intentional and emotionally healthy life today so that we can continue to create change for tomorrow.  

It is that good old metaphor of the airplane oxygen. If we first don’t put our oxygen mask on - how will we be of use to anyone else?

By learning how to start from within, to start with yourself, you will begin to create a ripple effect in the lives around you. And if enough of the world starts doing this - that is when we are going to see change. 

How can you do this? By starting to live a more intentional and life that prioritizes yours and your families emotional and mental well being. 

And proves something that the teachings of the ancient chakras have been claiming for thousands of years.  

That we actually possess Wealth DNA inside of ourselves. 

You see modern scientists call it “DNA” but ancient eastern teaching referred to it as “chakras.” 

But whether you want to use the modern term of the traditional language, the fact remains the same…

All you need to do is “activate” the energy center that attracts wealth…

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Love & Blessing,Good Energy Email Team
