Finding your Happiness

The importance of thought.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Todays Mantra:

"I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it"

The word “happy” is an adjective that was derived from the noun “hap,” which means “chance” or “fortune” in most languages. This derivation poses an interesting question: Did our ancestors believe that happiness was mainly a byproduct of luck?

The present-day definition of happiness refers to a feeling that relates to contentment and satisfaction. Happiness is a state and not a trait, meaning that it is not a long-lasting or ingrained permanent feature but rather a changeable state depending on our mindset, environment, and circumstances.

We do not need to have everything we want to be happy. True happiness can be obtained by finding joy in what we already have, however much or little that may seem.

Can you choose to be happy?

The simple answer is, YES. We can achieve a state of happiness by working towards improving the status of the things in our lives. For example, you can work on obtaining a higher salary or seeking a job that brings you innate satisfaction and purpose, on improving your physical health by exercising and eating whole foods, and on building stronger relationships with your friends, family, and community. Sometimes it can come from something as simple as finding a quiet time to sit and reflect, enjoy that cup of coffee or tea and watch the sunset. Knowing that everyday is a new day to chase what makes you happy.

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