Discovering Meaning and Purpose in Life: A Lesson from Picasso

Find Your Gift and Share it

Saturday, September 9, 2023

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

Pablo Picasso

Discovering Meaning and Purpose in Life: A Lesson from Picasso

The eternal quest for understanding life's meaning and purpose has been a consistent theme throughout human history. Philosophers, theologians, and artists alike have grappled with this profound question, presenting myriad perspectives on what makes life worthwhile. Pablo Picasso, the celebrated artist, offered a poignant insight: "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." At its core, this statement carries a powerful message for those seeking motivation, self-help, and self-improvement.

The Dual Journey of Life

Picasso's words distill the journey of life into two distinct phases: the inward exploration to identify one's unique gift and the outward expedition to share it with the world.

"The meaning of life is to find your gift."

Meaning of life: Throughout history, many philosophers, theologists, and thinkers have pondered the question of life's meaning. By framing the first part of the quote in this way, Picasso is offering his own perspective on this age-old question.

Find your gift: Picasso suggests that every individual possesses a unique talent, passion, or ability – a "gift". This could be an artistic talent, an aptitude for leadership, a compassionate nature, a scientific mind, and so on. The journey of life involves identifying and understanding this inherent gift.

It's important to recognize that "gift" isn't restricted to prodigious talents; it could be a subtle quality or even a particular perspective or approach to life. By framing it this way, Picasso emphasizes personal discovery and self-awareness. It's a call for introspection.

"The purpose of life is to give it away."

Purpose of life: Beyond just understanding our unique qualities, Picasso suggests that life has a greater purpose. If the meaning of life is internal and personal (finding one's gift), the purpose of life is external and related to the world around us.

Give it away: Once we've identified our gift, we shouldn't hoard it or use it solely for personal gain. Picasso argues that the true value of our gifts is realized when we share them with others. For Picasso, an artist, this could mean sharing his art with the world. For others, it could mean teaching, leading, helping, or simply living in a way that positively impacts others. By "giving away" our gift, we contribute to the world, making it a better place and finding fulfillment in the process.

In essence, a personal quest for self-understanding and an external mission to contribute to the larger world. These notions encourage both self-reflection and generosity, suggesting that a fulfilling life involves understanding one's essence and then using it for the greater good.

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Actionable Steps to Achieve Meaning and Purpose

For readers eager to embark on this transformative journey, here are actionable steps to help navigate the path to self-discovery and purpose:

1. Self-reflection:

Why: Introspection is the cornerstone of personal growth. It's during moments of quiet contemplation that we often discover our deepest desires, fears, strengths, and weaknesses.

How: Create a dedicated routine for self-reflection. This could be a daily ritual where you sit in a quiet space, free of distractions.

 - Journaling: Writing down your thoughts helps in organizing them. Over time, you might see patterns emerging that highlight your strengths and passions.

 - Meditation: This practice can center your mind, allowing insights to bubble up.

 - Questioning: Regularly ask yourself questions like, "What am I passionate about?", "When do I feel most fulfilled?", or "What strengths do others commend me for?"

2. Feedback from Trusted Sources:

Why: External perspectives, especially from those who know you well, can offer invaluable insights into your latent talents and gifts.


 - Formal Feedback: Consider seeking 360-degree feedback at work or in social groups.

 - Informal Conversations: Over coffee or a meal, ask close ones what they believe are your standout qualities.

 - Listen Actively: Remember, feedback is a gift. Take it in, without defense, and contemplate its validity.

3. Experiment and Explore:

Why: Venturing into new territories can unveil hidden talents or passions.


 - Classes and Workshops: Sign up for diverse classes—whether pottery, coding, dance, or writing.

 - Travel: Experiencing different cultures and environments can illuminate undiscovered passions.

 - Challenge Yourself: Regularly step out of your comfort zone, be it through public speaking, joining a new group, or trying a new sport.

4. Use Your Gift:

Why: Recognizing your gift is just the beginning; utilizing it integrates its value into your life.


 - Daily Practice: If your gift is an actionable skill, practice it regularly.

 - Offer Services: If it's a teachable skill, offer to teach others. If it's a mindset or an approach, share your insights through blogging, vlogging, or public speaking.

5. Share Generously:

Why: True fulfillment often stems from contributing to others' well-being or growth.


 - Volunteer: Offer your skills to non-profits or community groups.

 - Mentor: Guide younger or less experienced individuals in your field.

 - Create: If your gift is artistic or creative, make and share your creations.

6. Continuous Learning:

Why: As the world evolves, so do we. Continuous learning ensures that we're always growing and refining our gifts.


 - Read: Stay updated with literature in your area of interest.

 - Courses: Join online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or Khan Academy for structured learning.

 - Network: Connect with experts in your field; their insights can offer new perspectives.

7. Connect with Likeminded People:

Why: Sharing experiences, knowledge, and challenges with like-minded individuals can be both enlightening and motivating.


 - Join Clubs or Groups: Platforms like offer myriad groups catered to specific interests.

 - Conferences and Seminars: These events not only enhance knowledge but also provide networking opportunities.

 - Online Communities: Websites, forums, and social media platforms host communities where people share their experiences, questions, and insights.

Incorporating these enhanced steps into one's life requires dedication and effort. However, the rewards in terms of personal growth, understanding, and fulfillment can be immeasurable. Embracing this journey means not only discovering your own unique gift but also contributing to the broader tapestry of life in meaningful ways.

Picasso's profound words offer a roadmap for a fulfilling life. The journey to discover one's intrinsic gift and the subsequent mission to share it with the world encapsulates the essence of personal growth and contribution. By understanding our unique place in the tapestry of life and by weaving our thread into its intricate design, we find both meaning and purpose. Embrace your gift and let it be your beacon in the journey of life.

Overcoming Negative Expectations: Strategies for Anytime Anxiety

Morning stress isn't the only challenge we face. Negative expectations can creep up on us at any time. Here are strategies to help you conquer anxious thoughts, regardless of the hour:

1. Distraction Power: Sometimes, the anticipation of an event can be more distressing than the event itself. Instead of fixating on upcoming discomfort, distract yourself with something enjoyable. Watch a funny movie the night before that dreaded root canal, and you'll find that it lessens the pre-appointment jitters.

2. Plan for Pleasure: If you anticipate a difficult morning, counterbalance it by scheduling something fun for the afternoon. Treat yourself to a visit to your favorite art museum or spend time baking a delicious dessert. By ending your day on a positive note, you'll remember the good things more vividly.

3. Reframe Your Thoughts: Your perspective shapes your experience. Try reframing negative events in a positive light. Consider how a dental appointment can improve your long-term comfort, or how a tax audit can provide an opportunity to organize your finances more effectively.

4. Seek Support: Challenges seem more manageable when you share them with loved ones. Don't hesitate to reach out to your family and friends for support when you need it. A listening ear and words of encouragement can make all the difference.

Embrace a Brighter Tomorrow

Looking forward to each day with optimism and purpose can transform your life. By organizing your life, prioritizing self-care, and adopting a positive mindset, you can banish morning stress and unleash your full potential. So, let's take charge of our mental and physical well-being, starting from the moment we open our eyes each morning. You have the power to make every day a success story.