Creating Your Own Opportunities: The Power of Taking Initiative

How Proactivity and Determination Lead to Success in Life and Business

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.

— Chris Grosser

Creating Your Own Opportunities: The Power of Taking Initiative

The quote "Opportunities don’t happen, you create them" by Chris Grosser highlights the proactive nature of success. It underscores the idea that waiting for the perfect moment or opportunity to fall into one's lap is not a viable path to achievement. Instead, it emphasizes that opportunities are something we actively build through hard work, persistence, and a forward-thinking mindset.

Expanded Meaning:

At its core, this quote encourages a mindset of personal responsibility and empowerment. It challenges the notion of luck or external circumstances as the primary drivers of success. Instead, it asserts that success comes from a series of intentional actions and decisions that shape our reality. Whether in business, personal growth, or any other aspect of life, opportunities are often the result of preparation, skill-building, networking, and seizing moments of potential.

To add value for the reader, this quote serves as a reminder that passivity won’t bring about change or success. Waiting for the "right time" can often result in stagnation. Instead, actively engaging with life, setting goals, taking calculated risks, and learning from failures are how we create the conditions necessary for opportunities to arise.

It's important to emphasize that creating opportunities doesn’t always mean grand gestures or drastic changes; sometimes it’s about taking small, consistent steps that lead to a bigger payoff. Each effort we make to improve ourselves or our circumstances adds up, often opening doors we didn’t initially see.

Context of Origin:

Chris Grosser, a professional photographer and entrepreneur, is known for emphasizing hard work, determination, and the power of initiative. His photography career didn’t start with waiting for the "perfect gig"; rather, he actively pursued it, honing his skills, networking, and putting himself out there until opportunities came his way. This quote reflects his personal experience with the entrepreneurial spirit, where creating your own path, rather than waiting for it, is key to achieving success.

By framing opportunity creation as an active process, Grosser taps into a principle that's echoed across many success stories: preparation meets opportunity. Those who constantly work on their craft and seek ways to grow will find that opportunities tend to appear—not by coincidence, but as a result of their ongoing efforts.


Success is not just a matter of good fortune or being in the right place at the right time. It’s about being prepared and proactive enough to create those opportunities for yourself. Instead of waiting for life to present you with the perfect chance, you have the power to build those chances through your daily actions, learning, and persistence.



1. Book: "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey 

 - Focuses on proactive behavior and personal responsibility in creating success.

2. Book: "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" by Angela Duckworth 

 - Explores the importance of persistence and effort in creating your own opportunities.

3. Podcast: The Tony Robbins Podcast 

 - Covers topics on personal development, taking action, and building opportunities in life and business.

4. TED Talk: "The Power of Believing That You Can Improve" by Carol Dweck 

 - Highlights how a growth mindset is key to creating opportunities.

5. Article: "How to Create Your Own Luck in Business" on Harvard Business Review 

 - Offers practical strategies for building opportunities in professional settings.

These resources provide valuable insights on taking initiative, building persistence, and fostering a mindset that encourages creating rather than waiting for opportunities.