Creating a life of Love

Pursing Love & Happiness in everyday life

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Today's Mantra: “True, we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving. There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness"

“My goal is to build a life I don’t need a vacation from.” ~Rob Hill Sr.

I understand that some things in life we literally can’t change—maybe you’re a parent or caregiver or have other responsibilities that limit you—but you still have a choice.

You can choose to resist and focus on the negative, the struggle, or you can choose to see differently, create opportunities for change, and ask for help. No matter what your life looks like right now, you can still create a life you love.

I believe that everyone can dig deep to find out what feels right for them, be honest with themselves and others, and align their life with that place of authenticity.

Perhaps you’re wondering, how an earth do I go about creating an authentic life? Where do I start? Well, this is obviously vastly different for everyone, but my advice would be to just start somewhere, and what better place than where you are right now?

Meditation, for me, is about carving out a few moments each day to sit quietly, breathe, connect with myself, and recognize my part to play in a bigger whole.

Even if it’s just a few moments after I wake up or before I hop into bed at night, this is time free from distraction, free from the roles and responsibilities I identify myself with, free from the complications in life that I might identify as stress. It’s time for just me, to connect with myself and my truth.

Creating a life you love is really about aligning your life with your own core values—those things that are most important to you personally. Regular meditation will help you discover what those are.

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All It Takes Is 24 Hours, Maybe 48! 


Just imagine, in one, maybe two days you could hold the key to your future happiness and ultimate love.  

Yes, that is all it takes.

Dedicated to helping you find your soulmate by empowering you with all the tools you need to make the right life decisions, the team at soulmate sketch looks forward to drawing for you. 

What if your soulmate is sitting next to you right now? What if it's your best friend? 

Take this risk and the results could turn your life upside down for the better! 

Click here to learn more about how amazing this works!

Love & Blessing,Good Energy Email Team
