The Benefits of Learning to Love Yourself

Self-Love Uncovers Unexpected Benefits

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Today's Mantra: “I am the measure of my worth, and I say I am worthy."

Appreciation is a vibration that gets a lot of attention from conscious creators, and for good reason. It’s a powerful way to cue Universe for delivery of more things to appreciate!

But there’s another vibe that deserves your focus just as much (or maybe even more!) …

For those who habitually strive or yearn, who constantly reach for what’s next or focus on what isn’t here yet, we’re well-served to activate the vibration of satisfaction.

Satisfaction tells Universe you got what you wanted and it scrambles to deliver more reasons to feel it. It is an effective way to align to your highest dreams and desires, allowing swift progress on the manifestations you want most.

Plus it’s a lovely feeling in its own right! Satisfaction feels like completion, fulfillment, and perfection. It’s a lovely vibration and well worth your deliberate effort to engage it.

You know this vibe, right?

It’s when the really good movie has the perfect ending. Or when the popcorn has the exact right amount of butter – and is still hot! Or when you open a fully ripe avocado. So satisfying!

It’s when our beloved dog snores in his sleep. Or the cat purrs in your lap. Or the horse nickers when she sees you coming.

It’s the new plant start that begins rooting. The clean sheets at the end of a long day. Or the hot bath to relax in as long as you like.

It’s when traffic clears to make an open lane in front of you, or the cashier waves you over in a new line. It’s the email from the boss acknowledging your exceptional work.

It’s watching all the green tiles turn on your Wordle guess, or getting the Spelling Bee pangram! It’s discovering your purchase was on sale when you check out.

The cool thing is that it doesn’t matter the reason for feeling satisfied – whether we’re imagining it or watching it or experiencing it or tasting it or reading it – or whether we have big reasons for feeling it or little delights from everyday life that take us there.

However we get there, that’s what closes the manifesting loop and requires Universe to send more reasons to feel that kind of good.

  • You can take yourself there by remembering your favorite past experiences of it (mine were volunteering for the rescue group and a wild dream that featured it).

  • You can do something intentionally that you know will help you feel it.

  • You can notice someone else’s experience of it and draft off it.

  • You can even just ruminate on the word to activate the satisfaction vibration.

However you do it, my suggestion is that you squeeze some extra satisfaction into your day. It’s an effective way to dial up your LOA game by telling Universe you got what you wanted! Universe responds by sending more reasons to feel so satisfied. Dreams come true. Wishes fulfilled. More reasons to revel in the joy and the privilege of being here now.

Here’s to enjoying satisfaction in whatever ways work best, and watching even more dreams come true!

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Love & Blessing,Good Energy Email Team
