Alone time

Spending time alone and sitting in solitude without distractions from the outer world opens our inner eyes to our thoughts and feelings, highs and lows, pains and pleasure, with so much more clarity.

Presented by Mindvalley

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Having some time alone is always valuable, yet sometimes we under appreciate it. It’s okay to hibernate until you feel ready to face the world again. Sitting in solitude with your emotions, a journal, some tea and soft music can provide an avenue for self-discovery and replenishment.

Spending time alone and sitting in solitude without distractions from the outer world opens our inner eyes to our thoughts and feelings, highs and lows, pains and pleasure, with so much more clarity. It creates an environment to know yourself as you truly are. You can observe how you respond to comfort and discomfort, how your process emotions, and how you form beliefs and stories about life.

See alone time as a form of retreat, reflecting on the past and refreshing yourself for what is to come. Spending time away from the world and connecting with yourself is one of the most beneficial things you can do in life. Take time to yourself, and come out better and stronger.

📧 Brought to you by Mindvalley💫

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Love & Blessing,Good Energy Email Team



